Thursday, June 16, 2005

Mid-Term Essay

The mid-term essay, two thousand words in length, is due in my department mailbox on June 30th. The assignment is to explain, using techniques of literary analysis, how the two foundational texts for our course, Villette and Rob Roy differ in their qualities of genre. Both novels are masterpieces, but they are two different types of novel: your essay will present the independent qualities which make them different -- and which, at another level, categorise them as belonging to seperate genres.
Nb. It is of course possible to argue that the two novels are in fact two of the same type of work and belong in the same genre. You are welcome to make this just this argument; in which case your assignment will be to show how what appears to be difference is in reality identity.


Admin said...

Do we need secondary sources....?

Dr. Stephen Ogden said...

You need secondary sources if your argument makes use of authorites (as mine often do.) You do not need secondary sources if you are making an individual argument from your own store of intellect.